The Fog

Let me ask you about your dreams.

No, I don't mean the dreams you dream at night while you sleep...

I mean the dreams you dream while you're awake and alive and able to think, and while the thoughts in our head often run at a mile a minute, fading continuously in and out of existence... the thoughts in your heart, those tend to be just a little bit different.

Because day in and day out, they often say the same thing, telling you exactly what to do and what you need, acting as a bridge between the person you are and the person you long to be...

But for most of us, it isn't that easy.

There exists a fog... that blinds us, making it hard to see clearly...

And we call this fog fear.

Fear is a poison that seeps into your heart.

It makes you question the end before you've even decided to start, it strangles the artist before he's even made any art, it keeps us from walking our path just because we think it'll be hard.

It continuously whispers "safety" and "caution" until we're fully under its control and we get to a point where we cant even hear the voice of our own soul, and before we know it we're left with this hole that keeps us from feeling... whole.

And we cant quite remember why.

Because we're under fears spell, wrapped in its lies.

So we look for methods and alternative ways we can fill whats left.

We take drugs, we buy products, and have meaningless sex...

But nothing seems to work, its like the hole never ends.

So we smile and nod and try to pretend that we're fine, while each day we keep to ourselves that we're dying inside...

And we ask ourselves... why do we exist, why am I alive?

While the answers been inside you, waiting the whole time, but you're so deep in the fog that you can no longer feel it, the voice of your soul drowned out, you can no longer hear it...

But calm down.

Calm down.

There is a solution.

You must think less, and do more.

Thats it, thats the only thing that will open the door.

And little by little, fear will become less and courage more, until the fog starts to lift, with your vision restored, you'll have the power to spread your wings... and finally soar.

Now I can't promise that things wont be hard.

Thats the thing about life, it's bound to give you some scars.

But as long as you keep your eyes on the prize, as long as you keep going and strive, as long as you're in touch with the purpose in your heart, the reason your alive, you'll be able to look fear dead in the eyes and say...

I'm no longer your slave, you have no control.

My life is mine to live, and mine alone.

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