"Reflections of Friends Gone By" an original work

Where have all the good times gone,

The people I knew, the things we had done?

And where did all the laughter go,

The love we shared, the things we used to know?

Out with the old friends, in with the new,

We'll deny it first though we all know it's true.

The people I once loved seem as strangers to see...

Can you tell me what's happened - between you and me?

So many little things have kept us apart,

and now you're no longer so close to my heart.

We were the best of friends for our piece of forever,

But now somehow we never get together.

And we no longer know each other intimately;

Have you changed that much, or is it just me?

Why do I feel that for us there's no tomorrow

and why don't feel very much sorrow?

I'm sure we'll see each other soon but it won't be the same;

We'll just play that Hello How Are You game...

"See you tomorrow (or maybe next day)."

"I'll call you next week (or sometime next May)."

So I still think of you all every once in a while

With a teardrop that's dried by a laugh and a smile;

I remember the good times that we all shared -

And I remember a time when I really think we cared.

But if by chance we get to talking again

Remind me to say, "I still love you my friend."

From "I'm Not Sure How I Got Here, But I Think I Flew
"...and Other Dreams..."    Poetry of Guy Malone

Next: "The People vs The Man of Music" (Follow me for that)
Copyright 1985 - 1990, 2016 Guy Malone.  All Rights Reserved.  

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