How G-d Hides? 🌀 (Original Poem)

What if it’s a verb, and not a noun,

What if it’s to be done, not just found?

What if it’s a force, and not a thing,

That through my hands, comes out when I bring,

That through my voice, comes out when I sing?

What if it’s a choice, or many decisions,

Each encounter perfect, not random collisions?

Chances for dances,

Times for rhymes.

Opportunities to climb,

For the highest lines.

Emotions with the momentum, of the pendulum,

Each with a purpose, and place to surrender them.

What if it’s wonder, a desire to see more,

What if the only action to take, is to keep opening the door?

(Songbird, Woodtype Blocks, Door.)

Interestingly, this picture of the door with the number 13 is kinda perfect, because in Hebrew, the word Echad (one, ie. oneness,) and the word Ahavah (love,) both have a value of 13...

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Melech ben Chaya מלך בן חיה, @inphiknit

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