Lying in a Hammock at the Beach - Writers Block Poetry Contest Week 2

Lying in a Hammock at the Beach


Overhead above the palm trees soar seagulls,
Seagulls meet the sea where pelicans feed,
Floating with the ocean waves.
Down on the beach collecting seashells by the seashore,
The children begin a beautiful collection
To bring home for future recollection.
To my right,
In a tower of wood above the sand,
The savior of lives
A lifeguard stand.
I swing in the wind.
And to think this type of luxury is without sin.


Original Poem by @isteemithard this is my entry for the The Writers’ Block Poetry Contest: Week 2 by @thewritersblock here is the post @thewritersblock/the-writers-block-poetry-contest-1-results

WRITING PROMPT: Write a poem inspired by James Wright’s poem “Lying in a Hammock at William Duffy’s Farm in Pine Island, Minnesota”.

  • Original work only. All plagiarized entries will be disqualified.
  • One entry per person, per week.
  • Post your poem to your own blog to enter. The title of your post should be [the title of your poem - Writers Block Poetry Contest Week 2].
  • Tag your entry with #twbpoetrycontest
  • Post a link to your poem in the replies on contest post
  • This contest runs until midnight UTC / GMT January 31st.
  • The winner will receive 15 SBD. Second place will win 10 SBD and third will receive 7 SBD.
    ^rules by @thewritersblock


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