The walls are asleep and my parents are made of paper


Photo courtesy of Brandi Redd.

Listening to utter silence, crying,
fighting against the urge for flying,
down from a tall building, somewhere far,
thankfully, to drive there, I do not have a car.

My parents do not listen to me,
from my eyes, the sadness they don't see.
I don't need them to understand the pain,
because from sadness there's nothing I could gain.

I know, I'm happy most of the time,
even happier upon picking up a dime.
"You don't earn anything if you don't try",
"I know, but most of the time I cry".

I am starting to become happier and shiny,
the sadness inside me is becoming tiny.
Thank you for putting up with my emotions and grief,
you will now be called my heart's only true thief.

You can't promise me that you won't leave,
I know I shouldn't wear my heart on my sleeve.
But as long as you are with me, heart to heart,
I feel like, for me, it is a new beautiful start.

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