You cease to be my inspiration
You cease to be my source
I choose to seek another
To transmute the feelings I have for you

For years I've slaved to your beckoning
For want of that tingly short-lived touch
A fool I know I have been
Looking for genius where fools did nap

I know you still drive me nuts
Denying would only get me hurt
So today I choose to let you
Ignite my heart without indulgence

All those years of wasted energy
All those wanton moments of ecstasy
Soiled in sweaty childish lusts
Then trailed regrets and after thoughts

Times when I let go of sanity
Craving that which was short-lived
Abusing morality for a taste of stupidity
Eschewing wisdom for a folly-throne

I have now come of age
Though not late as I am still young
My eyes now have seen true light
Of how you could have been my bane

I will not push so far from you
I will embrace you one more time
Letting wisdom bond our relationship
Making you a worthy muse

yours truly


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