Chinese Culture Project – The first project to promote Chinese poetry on Steemit - Music part! 《樂筆詩塾》 – Steemit首個中國詩歌推廣計劃 - 音樂部份!


Tang poetry is a greatest treasure of Chinese culture, but the structure and words are all different from the modern language. My objective is use music to extend and promote these masterpieces to people all over the world!

During the Sui and Tang dynasties, the political power was unified. Especially in the Tang Dynasty, with political stability and economic prosperity, the rulers pursued an outlooking policy and advocated to absorb culture beyond their city. With the integration of the music and culture from other ethnic groups that had been breeding since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, music as the core of literture and culture became prominent during the Tang Dynasty. Performers sang the poems of the Tang Dynasty along music at that time, and the poets measured their success based on the the popularity of the songs that used their poems as lyrics.

I will base the poem on two different dialects, Mandarin and Cantonese to compose the melody. And then depending on the meaning and the feel of the poem to create the arrangement! The style will mainly be modern music, such as Orchestral, Pop, Rock, or Country music. I think the contemporary combination will surprise you!

In Chinese Music, we use five notes only. On the pentatonic scale, it corresponds roughly to g?ng(do)、sh?ng(re)、jue(mi)、zh?(so)、y?(la), the same as the five black keys on the piano. So I will mainly use these five notes to compose the melody. Many people will have two methods to compose a song, one is to compose the melody first, then fill in the lyrics and do the music arrangement. This method is commonly used by those who have the music theory and knowledge. The alternate method is often used in a band, they will compose the chord for the whole song first, then compose the melody and lyric for the song accordingly! For this project, I will use a third method that composes the melody based on the lyrics (Chinese Poem). It is not a easy job, but I will try my best to do it well!

The other element is the arrangment part, nowadays we have four main parts in a song. Melody, drum, bass, piano and guitar, and often there is also the EDM (Electronic dance music) effect. For me, the most time consuming part to arrange a song is to find and listen for suitable sound effects. For example, there must be a thousand types of drum beat, so I need to choose the most suitable one for my song! Of course practise make things perfect, I will keep on doing it until you like it!

As for my music background, I play the piano, violin and bass. I hope it will be helpful in this project. Please feel free to give me some suggestion after you have listened my songs, thanks!

Finally, thank you to all my partners, @aaronli, @livinguktaiwan, @nanosesame, and @perlia, they give me a chance to start this project!



我會用兩種語言,普通話和廣東話來創作旋律,然後根據這首詩的意義和感覺來編曲! 樂曲風格主要是現代音樂,如管弦樂、流行音樂、搖滾樂或鄉村音樂, 我想這新潁的組合會帶給你一些驚喜!



就我的音樂知識而言,我會鋼琴、小提琴及參與一些樂隊作為低音結他的演出經驗,希望對這個項目有所幫助。 聽完我的歌曲後,請隨時給我一些建議,謝謝!


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