Week Two: Conversation

I crave your conversation.

I crave to hear your thoughts
I want to hear the sound of how your soul walks this world
Enticing stories come crashing like waves onto my shores
Leaving pieces of you brought from distant lands
Taking pieces of me
Maybe to share with others?
Or maybe you desperately wanted to discover pieces of me too?

I crave to study the language of your world
The civilization of your mind
Your vocabulary is like a gentle touch to the skin
As if asking permission to proceed across our borders
A line meant to be crossed.

Together our conversation is a dance
Salsa, bachata, the tango
A hand on my hip
Deep drawn in breaths racing to catch up with our heart beats.
Craving more.
More words.
More sounds.
More thoughts.

I crave to have you in my life
To have you walk up on my shores
Dance till the sunrises
Fall asleep to your thoughts
Resting on the pillow of your heart

I crave the intertwining of our words
From your lips
My lips
Your mind
To mine

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