Sitting Behind the Circulation Desk at the Johnson County Library in Overland Park, Kansas - Writers Block Poetry Contest Week 2

Sitting Behind the Circulation Desk at the Johnson County Library in Overland Park, Kansas

Over my head, the ceiling fans buzz,
Dancing beneath the fluorescents,
Blowing the pages of books on display.
Down the aisle, behind the return cart,
The bell rings and children follow one another
into the story time room.
To my right,
in our business center between two printers
the staples of last week’s HOA meeting
sparkle like craft store glitter.
I lean back as the end of my shift nears.
A senior couple asks for the large-print section.
I wonder if we really need libraries.

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Inspired by Lying in a Hammock at William Duffy’s Farm in Pine Island, Minnesota
by James Wright
All photos and text property of @luthvarian

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