Mind, body and soul.

Halfway up the staircase
deprived of rays of sun
feeling colder step by step
knowing you're not done
Self assurance faltering
on every landing reached
the mind your only fortress
assailed but never breached
Know you must keep going
and remember: body straight
just hold on to the railing
and know you're doing great
Soul the only motivator
must not loose the groove
the last step coming nearer
with every groan and move
when you finally reach the top
without the strength to run
I'll be there out on the roof
to warm you with the sun.
Mind, body and soul.

By Madevi


Always remember that however hard life can seem to be, your eternal soul has only one goal: to grow, to grow it needs to experience, to experience it needs to be realized and to be realized it needs a finite body. When you drive a Mercedes you know you're not the car, same holds for your life and body. At some point you will get out of that car/life/body and only the eternal soul experience remains. Keep this in mind when you are struggling in life and love, you are allowed to fear but it's not mandatory. You only live once and that's forever!

Image credits (adaptation by myself)

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