~BEYOUND~ (when i die)



I never did this before
Lie and still feel alive
Hide and still see there eyes

A story is told
About the person i need the most
I need me.
I need me to find me a place to rest
A place dark,cold and dusty
Deep,narrow and uncomfortable

So when i die
Make sure you come to my burial
Please don't cry
Please don't remember my smile
Please don't bring a pastor from a thousand miles
I wan't my family
To say a few words on my cops
I wan't my family
To carry me to the person on top
For I belive in there prayer

I know i lost
I know you've lost
It's fine am going to He that is Higher than Most
The Most High Jah
Deliver me

So when I die
Make the sermons short
For I need to catch my plane
To the kingdom above
My heart leaves you this art
My heart tells you that am hurt
For living you
For not saying I loved you
For not being the son you wanted
That's why you have to make my journey to the grave quick

So when I die
Bury me in the wild
Where the soil is fertile
Where the vegetation gives me calm
Where i'll be at peace
Surely there I will lay in peace

Tell them I tried
To be a better friend,boy friend and son
Tell them I will remember them even when am basking on the sun
Tell her
I love her my crush,my girlfriend and my future wife
If only I had time
We would have that one dance

So when I die
Inherit my words
They are not of pain or anguish
They are words of love

By mah7





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