
I too am filled with love
a river flows, yes but,
the ocean is my heart
you come to me
Holy Holy
Holy the words
your flaming heart
and scorched cinder path
I see you but not you
your river
and I am changed
not overtaken
there are no banks to contain you
yet, you flow like an arrow
my vastness greets you
takes you in
feels your raging undertow
melds with you


I too am burning with desire
a fire burns, yes but,
the pyre is my loins
you come to me
Sacred Sacred
Sacred the moments
your moist lips
and that deluge behind you
I feel you but not you
your flame
and I am changed
not consumed
there is no pit to hold you
your glory reaches high
my shores are aflame
from your spark on the winds
and I burn with you

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