"Song of My Heart" | Poems, #015

Song of My Heart

My heart sings of a place,
Of colour, warmth and soft edges,
Where one can get lost in love,
And beauty beyond imagining.
It also sings of a time,
Of virtue being coveted,
When dreams and ideals become real,
And we all live in harmony.
It sings whether anyone would listen or not,
Wishing only to fulfil itself,
But I have heard its melodies,
And been enchanted by their depths.
How hauntingly beautiful you are,
Oh, song of my heart...
But oh, how far away.


After reading this again, I closed my eyes and shuddered a little.... lol. Besides being a bad poem in terms of poetry in general...:

When dreams and ideals become real,
And we all live in harmony.

... And then what?

Let it be known that I am no longer so sickeningly idealistic. I am generally an optimist, but now I realise that, in fact, a place/time as described above wouldn't even be a good thing. We humans need problems... Conflict is what drives us. Agent Smith was 100% correct.
This reminds me, too, of Christians and their heaven... They don't realise that such a place wouldn't be desirable. It would be a stagnant, boring place.

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A few recent posts of mine:
"Biosynthetic Leaf: A Study" - dIFS Pong #015 | "Infection Detected" - Art Explosion Contest, Theme "Sci-fi" | "Desert Shrine" - Gallery: Motifs
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