"The Shadows In Her Eyes" | Poems, 012

The Shadows In Her Eyes

The shadows in her eyes danced and wailed and wept in memory of their unfortunate past true forms and the reason for their meager yet sadly significant continuing existence is the unsolicited desire for an object of love-hate that still burns within the numb and conflicted parts of her compassionate, persevering heart...
... But then from the wings of time the winds of change are blown and the shadows' steps stagger and start to fade, flickering and falling out of all recollection except for glimmering glimpses caught in the occasionally silhouetted death throes of a wounded spirit that once did, but soon will never again, possess her, the girl who is and always will be the one I love.


I usually tell you a bit about the poem now, but not this time.
Some things are best left unsaid.

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A few recent posts of mine:
"Moonlit Dystopia" - Art Explosion Contest Entry | Prophecy, Free Will and Evidence(?) for God | "Seaflake" | Gallery: Motifs
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