Wrath of the Earth - ( An original poem )



You underestimate me, You think I am all yours 

You fight wars 

Over me 

And make Boundaries 

That are non-existent, Simply in your head

Men are dead 

 And now I'm all red 

Because you won't let me choose

So focused on win or lose 

Muslims or Jews 

But I think you abused me 

You use me 

And I never asked you to

I was fine before you drew 

lines in the sand that says quickly wash away 

But Today

You shall see my power 

I'll make you cower 

In Fear 

As everything you held dear

Is swallowed 


By shaking that knocks you off your feet

Ripping up your street

Now you know I can mistreat 

You too

I can make you fall through 

The cracks

How about you rethink property tax

Because i am owned by no one 

And I'm here for the long run

I was here before you existed and i'll be 

Here when you're gone

I am the beach, the farm, the lawn

I am the soil, the land, the ground. 

Image Credits - www.rebellesociety.com

Follow Me - @masonmiler

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