She Has No Wings (an original poem)

Sometimes I hear her

On the stair.

When it's dark

And the hours are small

My breath hitches

In my throat.

I whimper

And pull the quilt to my chin

The floor boards creak

As she reaches the top

And I screw my eyes closed

Praying that she is not there

A soft tread closer

To my bedroom door

I hear my breathing

Ragged and hoarse

Despite the dark

I sense when the door yawns open

The air stirs slightly

And she is beside the bed

In the dark of my closed eyes

I see her

That awful ruined face

My heart hammering

Lips cold and dry grace my forehead

Sleep tight, sweet child

Barely heard above the pounding in my chest

The pain in my heart

The house creaks and settles

The heaviness in the room subsides

Tears track down my cheeks

As I crack open my eyes and whisper


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