"Away From Me" (An original poem inspired by "Escape from the Noh")

A Poem about Sofia, as she looks across Deluvia

Away From Me

When I open my eyes ...
To the fabric that surrounds me ...
I realize with anxiety ...
My present reality ...

And it shocks me to be
Alone in this world
Not knowing how I got here
Not able to reverse.
And for the longest of periods
Content in this bubble
Not once, nor twice removed
From this frozen neurosis.
Depression sets in
And then fears set the loathing
For just outside this glass
I can see life's promenade.
But the dance, it stills
And touch, I cannot feel
And darkness descends
Across a passionless canopy.

My illness, my friend,
My lifelong enemy--
It is the blindness that keeps me
Away from me.

Read "Escape from the Noh" - the full 8-part Original Story on Steemit!
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight

"Escape from the Noh" is a short-story that is a combination of sci-fi and horror. As a writer, I enjoy deconstructing genres to see where I can mix them for a synergistic effect. I welcome feedback and will be publishing my 300,000 word epic novel "The Messiah" on Steemit in 2017.

I encourage you to visit (and like!) my newly created Facebook page @ (https://facebook.com/michaeladamparis/) and
my blog @ (http://www.michaeladamparis.com)
Thank you all for your support and encouragement.

Image Credits: stevebidmead | mubrodie


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