Bounty4Love: A Kiss One Summer Evening [ORIGINAL POEM by @mindhunter]

Who had a grasp so firm and perfumed
Such power in that grasp for one so small
A union to last the arcs and eons of time
Who could have forseen all that has grown
From a kiss one Summer evening

Your love so strong and so special
If I touched the highest star
I would place you higher
We were like sailing ships on oceans of the heart
So special with such promise
Such laughter from that kiss one Summer evening

From where does our love come from I said
Why does the sun appears each day
Our world is so wounded and twisted
Watched over by a silent moon
Still your love brings blessing to my years
As white as each Winter snow
This poem of love, my confessions of guilt
From a kiss one Summer evening.


Perthshire, Scotland
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