Stephen Stills wrote this song in 1966.

I think it's time we stop children.
What's that sound?
Everybody look what's going down.

(Stephen Stills)

This is my poem of the quaintise jockey:

(Wassili Kandinsky)

The quaintise jockey
Equestrian Equisence
symmetrically gaits
kicking away
lost cadence
irregular perpetration
suspect heart palpatations
palmar perspiratin
lost indoctrination
ascendstar lunar trajection
interception without deception
uncovered machinations
inconceivable to our imaginations


Quintise Jockey Meaning:

The word "quaintise" means crafty. This is the poem of a cheating horse jockey. All of his plans failed because he could not handle his horse. Finally the horse broke away and reached limits no man could imagine. This poem was actually inspired by my disappointment in the Korean government and some other key members crafty plan to fix the crypto market a couple of days ago (Forbes article). It was not a poem written in a happy mood but out of frustration. I was also upset at some other selfish and thoughtless actions I noticed around me. They make a crafty plan having no thought for the future or the welfare of others. They will be really surprised when their horse runs away. This poem ends with a liberated horse that no one can bridle. The horse breaks free leaving the jockey far behind. There are no restraints. This becomes the decentralized horse. Everything will be exposed in the light. Government regulations and twisted plans of insider trading will be blown into pieces. The horse will kick it off and it will rocket to the moon and beyond.

My one word today is "STOP!" and "Listen!"





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