
| 🌠I bled still while I fainted in my thoughts
The pressure couldn't stop the bleeding
It was belated, yet here I was anticipating
For I sought for a solution even in my state of distraught

| 🌠I couldn't let go of the fact that
These eyes will not see the stars shine
This night
Same stars that illuminated the world we smiled at

| 🌠I hear the whisper of solitude
I long to wrap myself in the voice of intimacy
But all I had for the night, was solitude
Oh! How much I distaste that feeling...

| 🌠Jealousy occupied my heart
When later that night I heard
That the rain felt your skin, deeper than my hands had ever been
All I could do was listen, frown, cry and quiver

| 🌠I knew the rain left its mark, and I was your therapy
But I was stuck here with solitude, and he refused to let go
I sat back and recited the recipe
Hoping solitude would get jealous and allow me go

| 🌠Warm cuddles as the appetizer, I mumbled
Garnished with deep yummy kisses
That fills every part of my lips
Just before the main course, our very own royal rumble

| 🌠Now I wouldn't talk about that
For every course with you was always spiced
Making a glutton out of me
But here I am mumbling to myself with tears I can no longer fight

| 🌠Those tears that rode down my cheeks
Were supposed to comfort me
And protect me from the pain my thoughts and memories brought
But they offered no comfort, as I laid on my bed and listen to my heart bleed.

| 🌠Without you, living is incomplete
Solitude rains supreme
My love takes a trip
And tears control my heart beat.


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