@brokemancode's photohaiku entry #2

I have had this in my drafts on busy for a while now, but have been forgetting to post. I'm more than a few days behind now, LOL.

So I've been seeing this challenge posted a lot and I've wanted to get into ever since I first saw it. Well, I finally have. This is entry number 2, but I will go back and do entry number one today. The first is brokemancode's and the second is my haiku/senryu inspired by his.

@brokemancode's original:

A gem overlooked
Waves caressing back and forth
Home to my bare feet

Melt me into glass
So I can mimic the sea
That from which I came

To me, sand is truly majestic. When you think about the history contained in sand, the diversity of its many materials, the journey it's taken from some distant shore to the beach you see before you, I can't think of any other word to describe it. Nature is king. Thanks for reading. I would appreciate any thoughts you care to offer in the comments.
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