Devination in Dreams (Day 5 of 100)

Image Credit: Pixabay (modified by me)

Devination in Dreams

She comes to me in my dreams
Stealing the sleep I would willingly give
Rendering me restless
My nostrils flare at the hint of her aromatic presence
As real as the cold night air and the goosebumps it creates

I awaken, instantly regretting it
I dive back to sleep hoping to catch her
Clawing at the ether
I’m stuck in the netherworld between awareness
And not wanting to be

Give me the bliss of my thoughts,
The ecstasy of my memories
Allow me to swim in them a little longer
Holding my breath until I can hold it no more
Breathing it all in to drown in her essence

Dawn comes like a demon
Like Sisyphus’ hill
Forcing reality upon me like a stone
Pulling me down with it’s gravity
While I yearn for the weightlessness of thought

Submitted for the steemitschool poetry challenge. Join us:

Have you ever had one of those dreams in which you were so happy that you hated waking up. I’m talking about dreams so good that you try your hardest to rush back to sleep, only to be disappointed. Sometimes, I have those dreams and they are so real that I often have to reason with myself in order to figure it out. I believe that dreams have the ability to connect two people that might otherwise be apart. It is a link that is imperceivable to many. That is what I tried to capture in this poem.
What are your experiences with these types of dreams?
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