blupost@poetry: sealed with a kiss-our love story

When i first met you at the fair of your friends
they surrounded around us, i didn't give a second thought
but after a few hours i knew that i was caught
my heart beats in a thrice,
my mind can't think straight.

i catch you looking at me,
noticing that twinkle in your eye
you make me smile
seriously, i bet my heart would run a mile!

but it wasn't as easy as i thought it would be
because for reason you didn't want to talk to me but that soon change,
at first i didn't trust you,but it was a start,now time flies by,
each passing minute we became so close,
our hearts grew fonder. i had so much fun.
i knew from the moment you stole my heart.
i don't believe in love at 1st sight but i do believe in seeing
you i knew one thing for sure,i felt love.
i know its sounds like crazy but it is true.

finally you took my hand ,
our fingers stayed,holding hands together
as we walked by on the street and your head at my shoulder arms.
now all i can wonder is how long these happy moments will last?
but seems the night is finally over and we have to depart to each other.
it's harder than it seems,when you say Goodbye..
but then you ....

sealed it with a kiss..

image source:google image.

hope you love my poem story hope i will have your upvote and gain more followers,,_

Copyrights 2017 by:mrblu

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