Letters to Rome: First Letter.

This is a letter I wrote some time ago. It belongs to a compilation of texts that I have called "Letters to Rome". Note: none of the letters have an established chronological order, however, all were written on a certain date. Senders and recipients of the different letters are unknown.

08/08. Inglés | English.

"Even though our bodies are separated, our hearts will remain together."

After to thinking a lot about it, I got to understand the meaning of that phrase that you repeated so much to me… and that has been my refuge after you were gone. It is comforting to me to know that, while our souls are connected, we can carry on any distance. The kilometers that separate we become merely steps and the travel time is only a couple of minutes.

Then, if we both can look up to the starry night and appreciate the immensity of the Universe, and fascinate us with the Milky Way’s beauty or the graceful elegance of the Moon. If we both can look at the sky on a summer afternoon and imagine that the clouds are shaped like birds, drakes, castles, hearts or two lovers that meet again. Or, look at the raindrops in the window on a winter day and draw, between laughs, a heart in the glass. Then, we aren’t really alone. We are together in the distance.

I know perfectly well that, at this moment, I have no way to reach you. However, I don’t lose hope to meeting you and your smile again. I’m a patient person and I trust in your words, I know that sooner or later the destiny will allow to cross our paths; after all, many roads lead to Rome… And you, my love, you’re my Rome.

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Source: SuuLore

You can read this letter in spanish here: Cartas a Roma: Primera Carta
Puedes leer esta carta en español a través del enlace que está arriba.

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