The Toll :: Writers Block Poetry Contest Week 3

(moving along, nothing to see here)

I can't say how entirely recognizable my poem's style is compared to my towering reference point, but since my high school days I was always enamored with Lord Byron. Hell, even his name was cool, and back in my school days that actually meant something. Now, that I'm older, coolness is less important. But Lord Byron is still cool.

Damn, that's a lot of black paint.
Even his portraits are dark.

Some of his work stuck with me for a long time as an illustration of how to tell a story in poetic form, and how all rules could be broken. Specifically, I loved the complete disregard of stanzas and line breaks in Darkness. And his imagery was so rich and varied. And... it held no small weight for me that the theme of the poem was of ... darkness. Perfect.

The Writers Block Poetry Contest Week 3 theme is to write in the style of your favorite poet. So I wrote this, as a long poetic journey, inspired by the formless darkness of Lord Byron's Darkness.

The Toll

Title Photo by @negativer

Byron Photo by @Wikipedia

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