It's All About You...


Who do you seek approval from when life doubts you?
How do you overcome your doubts when you are all alone?
Are you at the mercy of what life throws at you and of people who judge you wrongly?
What do you tell yourself when others are done talking - judging you?
Who do you surround yourself with when the chips are down?
Who is in your circle of influence that can lift you up and inspire you to greatness?
Your association matters and you can't live with giants and remain a dwarf
It's all by positioning...they can carry you up so you can go far and see far too
There are a lot of discouragements all around the world
If I started highlighting them, they can't be enough even with a single word
It looks like everything was designed to frustrate us in this life
You have friends who backbites and would sell you at any given chance
You have family members sometimes who feel you are undeserving
Don't even get me started on the government -
That has been cursed with the chronic desires to irritate us
Everything has been altered in this life to take away from us
It's not surprising that we have been told that the world is for the strong
If you snooze, you lose, they have said and that's a loud gong
Start looking within yourself and don't dwell too much on the external factors
You can't escape it, yes, but you can choose to change your focus
By not dwelling too much on things and keep pushing through life instead
Life is all about you and only you determines how you get up or stay under
Never forget the God-factor too because that makes all the difference in life
Faith is a personal journey and no one can help you except you do

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.

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