POET TREE - Today I Planted a Poet Tree - Based on a True Story

Today I planted a POET TREE and even wrote a poem about it.


Today I planted a Poet Tree
Up on a hill, so all could see
For generations to come and use
When it's time to write and muse

To rest their souls beneath its shade
And contemplate the rhymes they've made
To gather oft with minstrels there
Put pens to page, their prose to share

To think, revise, and make words fit
To jest and joke and test their wit
To hear what's new and reminisce
Beneath the tree, it's poet's bliss

Sit by the trunk, 'til you've had your fill
Of other poet's linguistic skill
A sonnet or haiku they'll bring
A rhyme to write or song to sing

To write with us a verse for them
To scribe a jewel and ink a gem
To manifest the wondrous art
As every poet plays their part

A wild place where minds are free
To dream a dream and choose to be
Upon the earth to reconnect
With such things we'd oft neglect

The writers of things strange to me
That vary from my reality
Someday such things we'll surely see
Beneath this growing Poet Tree

The concept for this tree came about a few months ago when a friend’s mother came to visit. A poet herself, she indirectly inspired this idea. Since poetry sounds the same as "Poet Tree", I thought that perhaps I such plant such a thing. A tree, planted specifically for the poets and writers and singers and such. A place for witty banter and fantastic stories, for rhymes and reason and the loss of oneself. A wild and free environment in which imaginations can run wild and full throttle. I told my friend that I would be planting a "Poet Tree" in honor of his mother. Whether he believed me or not, today I planted that tree with my oldest daughter.

I'm grateful to both my friend's mother (for inspiring) and to steemit (for allowing me to share).
My favorite lines are "To scribe a jewel and ink a gem" & "Put pens to page, their prose to share".

We will see what becomes of the POET TREE.


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