I saw her in the parking lot
I knew that she was dying
Her movements gave her away
Death was near

Even in that moment
As the life was draining out of her
She was marvelously beautiful
Yet, Death was near

No one else seemed to notice
Many passed us by
I stood there and watched
Spellbound as Death approached

There was nothing I could do
I knew it was too late
Yet, I yearned to help
Still Death was on the way

Was it her beauty that made me grieve
Would I have noticed her at all
If she hadn't been alluring
But Death did not care

I helped her off the ground
And drove her far away
She would not have to meet
Death in the parking lot

I knew eventually
The grave comes for us all
No beauty can save
For Death does not care

As I watched her die
She didn't seem to mind
Once free and wild she'd fly
Now Death found her on the ground

She barely moved
It was peaceful
And the frame she left
Was beautiful in Death

She had gone
Yet her beauty remained
At least for now
Death could not yet take that


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