Wrapped in Mercy - YouAreHope

A few days ago something beautiful happened. Me and my buddy Lee @sweetscience were doing our musical thing. We had nothing planned and just sat and talked and played some music and talked some more. He said that he had some new songs to try out so we did. This song came on and I just started talking to try out the fit. I had never really imagined using this piece in a song but it felt good. In fact about halfway through doing it I started crying. Not in a bad way, but in a hopeful healing way. Yesterday Lee sent me his edited version and I wept again. I was wishing everyone in the universe could receive this message. I thought of my friends here @thealliance and also some of our friends like @sircork who do such amazing work through @youarehope. The song, for me, is about all of us who long for how things ought to be. Those folks are about making it so.

So what I intend is to dedicate this song to the wonderful YouAreHope folks. I pray that somehow you can receive this as a confirmation that your path is beautiful and right. I would that all who may hear this message be uplifted and given hope that You too are wrapped in Mercy. Lee and I want to give whatever steem this earns to YouAreHope. I am afraid the grand total might not amount to much in the digital world but I pray that there might be strong currency between us as people who have a vision for how things ought to be. I hope this song has meaning for you. Peace friends.
Find it here . . . http://www.platosgroove.com/2018/04/wrapped-in-mercy/


Go check ou You Are Hope. Lend them your support!
And if you don't know them Yet, check out The Alliance. Tell em Plato sent you.

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