In The Streets of Paris (Poetry inspired by Art)

"Snow in Paris" by @peaceinartwork

In The Streets of Paris

In the black and grey streets
of a gloomy Paris,
my shadow lurks.

My heart - black like coal;
cold. Hope dwindles,
like luminescent lights
dulled out by darkness.

You drop out of the sky
like a meteorite -
my lucky star.

Blazing warmth;
cherry red lips
brush against mine;
the flame within my heart.

The holiest of heavens
bless my lands.
Falling snow, dancing slow;
layers of white sheets
cover the once bleak streets.

In the black and grey and white streets
of an upbeat Paris,
your soul flares.

I want to thank @peaceinartwork for letting me use this image as an inspiration. If you liked the painting, you should check out more of her work on her page. She is one of the kindest and most talented persons I have ever come across. 50% of the proceeds from her sales go to the Buddy Project!

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