Luna, the Lightening Bug (Cute Poem)

Luna, the Lightening Bug

There was a campsite
that brought pure delight
to the kids that come
with their bubble gum.

They would set up tents
for special events
and blow some balloons
while picking tunes...

to play on guitars
and sit under stars,
sitting together
in fair weather...

and then they would sing
near the great big swing.
Along came Penny
with plate of many...

small wings of chicken-
a tasty pickin'-
for a grilled dinner
with her big sister.

They sat near green moss
with barbecue sauce
and ate cranberries
with salad veggies.

They watched a sunset
they would not forget.
And so, twilight came-
the evening to claim.

They heard crickets chirp
and silence disturb.
Then they saw a glow
near the grass so low.

about the pretty-
little flicker grew.
They jumped up and flew...

to the glowing spot
that they- with gusto- sought.
The source of the light
was a bug in flight.

A lightening bug
glowed near nature's rug.
Wonder filled the girls
like they found some pearls.

Karen cupped her hands
for her little plans
to gently reach out
for the bug to scout.

And when she caught it,
her hands were glow-lit
like she held the moon
hiding in cocoon.

She called a demand-
"Penny! Give your hand!
Look! A lightening bug!
Hold your hands real snug!"

They giggled with joy!
And they did employ-
sharing back and forth
for time that was worth.

Their eyes were dancing
with marvel, racing.
It was like treasure-
found in adventure!

"She glows like the moon
on a night in June!
Let's name her Luna!"
"That rhymes with tuna!"

Then they let her free
by the tall oak tree.
And Luna glowed bright
like a live night light.

"She's blinking goodbye!"
So they watched her fly...
All of a sudden-
a bunch flooded in!

They were surrounded
and quite astounded!
Luna's friends joined in-
going for a spin...

around the two girls,
flying in such swirls,
their lights all blinking
like wishful thinking.

They couldn't be more
animated for
the sheer excitement
in this time well-spent.

They came to the tent
happily content-
with sweet memories
in the summer breeze...

thinking back, they smiled;
as does every child-
recalling hands snug
around a lightening bug!

The End.
**I wrote this poem today.
**The free picture above was found at this link:
**I hope this cute poem brings smiles! :)

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