The Wise Lesson: on the dumb but happy fish (Poem)

There is a wise lesson-
on a dumb, but happy fish.
His memory is short-
and he swims inside a dish.
He's quite low maintenance-
Ah, the happy goldfish.
He swims along content-
free of worry, fear, and strife.
He can't remember when-
someone's done him wrong in life.
So if a fish bugs him-
he remains in joyful rife.
He's not quick to anger-
no-one gets under his skin.
He's such a peaceful thing-
If he could, he'd prob'ly grin.
If contentment were a-
contest, he would surely win.
He's void of arrogance-
free of anger, rage, and hate.
He's gentle as he swims-
along, what a graceful trait.
He's just a happy fish-
easy to appreciate.
He won't sweat the small stuff-
It doesn't even matter.
It just glides off his scales-
as he swims in the water.
He keeps no list of wrongs-
No friendship does he tatter.
So there's a lesson here-
Forget the bad, and move on.
Don't let fear consume you-
until your joy is all gone.
Dismiss anger from you-
do not stop and think thereon.
Then you'll be happier-
like the fun, silly goldfish.
Then you will have freedom-
from crazy stuff- if you wish.
And that's the wise lesson-
on the dumb, but happy fish...
Who just perhaps, could be-
maybe smarter than we thought...
maybe smarter than some-
people who are quite distraught.
Think on that the next time-
you see the fish that you bought.

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