Illusion For Reality's Sake ~ A [Pretty Long] Metaphysical Poem

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The reality of life
is the unreality of life.
The purpose of art
is not to imitate life.
The purpose of art is
to initiate life.

The purpose of life
is to not to contemplate
the purpose of life.
Art is the reality of life.
Art is the unreality of life.

A kiss is the greatest art.

The purpose of a kiss
is to disparage
the life without a kiss.

The reality of a kiss
is reality without a kiss.

This is not poetry.
This is the unreality of life.

The purpose of a kiss
is to disparage
the reality
without the reality of life.

A kiss is the reality of life.
A kiss is the unreality of life.

This is not poetry.
This is a kiss.
This is a contradiction
that fails to contradict.

A kiss is the contradiction
that solidifies.

The solidification of life
is the purpose of art.
The solidification of life
is the reality of a kiss.
The reality of art
is the purpose of life.
The purpose of life
is the reality of the unreality of life.

For the last time this is not poetry.
This is the reality
of a bored metaphysician
who needs to get a life.

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