A SAFE DISTANCE - II - original poetry

Perhaps he was a frustrated creative
Looking for his soul on Youtube:
A fractal complexity
Of LOLcats and soft porn:

Fill in your application
For the Fail Army, 1000s
Of human-hours each second
Down the drain.

There are so many excuses not to write,
Endless agonies, of influence
Or otherwise, so many
Spacious and comfortable dwellings

On the Writer's Block.
I think Narcissus was content,
And did not disturb the surface
With stones or doubts,

Did not fear, as a curse,
His destiny of being
One of a dancing crowd
Of daffodils:

Who is the lonely one here?
The writer on his solitary walk,
The addict in the library,
Hooked on the drug of words.

Image Source: Narcissus by Caravaggio at Wikimedia.

Here is A Safe Distance - I

Thank you for reading @richardjuckes

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