A Poem - All I Live For

All I Live For.jpg

I was born in the fire
Raised in flames
Devoured by hate
And I grew up stronger
And smarter than my peers
Every day I trained my mind and body
Fuelled by the rage burning within me
It was always an ends to a means
I could walk down any street
I could challenge and beat anyone who I would meet
Be it chess or a brawl on the street
My contemporaries were weak
They gave in to others
I despised those who were meek
They didn’t know how to fight
They couldn’t stand up for what was right
In a way I believed they deserved it
By Darwinian standards they were not fit
I was always ready to jam my thumbs
Into the eyes of my opponents
To grab them by the neck
Choke them and rip off their heads

Of course I was a pacifist
I didn’t need violence to tear someone to pieces
I could see their weaknesses
Their fears
Their doubts
My words would cut deeper than a razor
And the killing intent in my eyes
Was enough to terrorise
Even the largest of men
And biggest of groups
I would walk through them
And they would know to keep away
I always despised how the weak got attacked
They never went for the strong
So when I was in a bad mood
I would wander around
Head down
Looking at the ground
Trying to appear meek
Trying to look weak
But it was too late
I was a demon

And when I was a young man
I realised it was not normal
To be raised in that environment
I thought it was normal
A military occupation
A war like upbringing
Daily gunfire
Occasional bombs
Always ready to kill to protect myself
I was so far removed from my foreign peers
With a hatred inside I could never quiet
Never extinguish
Always lingering
It had grown so slow
I didn’t realise
And now the steely eyes of a killer
Hiding behind a Buddha’s disguise

To be raised in that environment
The wrongs of the past
And to know those responsible
Gave rise to more hate
Anger at this forced modus operandi
Something I did not choose
Just a means to survive

I resolved myself to make a change
To no longer bury my hate
To no longer keep it suppressed
It was who I was
My hate became a tool for change
I would not allow the children of tomorrow
To grow up with a hard heart like mine
I would fight everyone on this rock
Who got in my way
I had a list
Names and addresses
Transgressions not forgiven
Those who thought their actions would have no reprisals
Not forgotten
And I began to work
Always in secrets
Always in shadows
To tear down the old institutions
Brick by brick
Brawn times brain
It was always a game
I played by my rules

I didn’t see authority
I didn’t see borders
I didn’t see skin colour
I didn’t see religion
I only saw revenge
And revenge is all I live for

Writer, Poet, & Lover

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