'Love is Endless, Poor Soul' > Collection of Poems

Robyn Eggs and Toast Presents:


"Love is Endless, Poor Soul" - Sick Volume 3

Robyn Eggs
with a sprinkling of love...

1rst EDITION. September 22, 2017

Robyn Eggs and Toast
robyneggsandtoast @ gmail.com


Love is Endless, Poor Soul
Sick Volume 3
Copyright © 2017 by Robyn Eggs
All Rights Reserved. Not for reproduction or republication.
*Expressly written permission may be obtained from the publisher (at the above email address) for personal use. A 50 STEEM deposit will be required.

Table of Contents

  1. Love is Endless
  2. Poor Soul
  3. Emotionally Thirsty
  4. Brain Shake
  5. Love ‘til Utter Infinity
  6. Love is Lost
  7. Climb Out
  8. Greater Love
  9. Beautiful night
  10. Another Blonde
  11. Beautifully Lonely
  12. Grace
  13. Why? Oh Why?
  14. Altogether Separate
  15. Falling
  16. Bubbles Burst
  17. Hooray
  18. Lover
  19. Another Day
  20. Life
  21. Who?
  22. Fresh Start

No. 1 Love is Endless

I could of loved 100 men
Before I loved you
And still love you as
Because love is endless
Endlessly bountiful
by @robyneggs


No 2. Poor Soul

Poor soul
The breath of death
Like the kiss of torment
Blown through your soul
What consumes a person
When they aren’t taken
By anyone or any one thing
And mocked
And loved
Loss of trust
I beg for you won’t satisfy me
Storms of courage
Can’t hold up against
Oh, the audacity
Of one poor soul
Lost, unloved
And as I leave
I become what
I did not do because
I continually
by @robyneggs


No. 3 Emotionally Thirsty

I am emotionally thirsty
For a love that’s certainly great
If only
What does one have to say
About one being
When they don’t love you the same
But they could
And just that thought
Is tormenting enough to the soul
If your soulmate
And you met
And they didn’t believe in
Soulmates what then and
Then does one deserve if the
Other and both are immature
In completely different ways
And don’t know they are
I am tired
I am emotionally thirsty
Tainted thoughts
Cover what I know
In my heart
Placed there by commonness
by @robyneggs


No .4 Brain Shake

Mundane drones of inadvertent illusions
Covering like sap and tendrils of moss
Surrounds the touch of reluctance
Lightly kissed by the wind
Dragging me down into the
Pudding of a brain shake
by @robyneggs


No 5. Love ‘til Utter Infinity

I love a one
Human who belongs
With me they are complete
And I am in them
A continual happy
Growing greater
With every step we take
And become greater selves
Hold onto me
Through the tumult of life
Until we are one
Totally in awe
At how I can feel
With you next to my skin
And you knowing how I feel
Feeling together
Everything god gave
Collective thoughts
On the culture of
What we believe
In this society of dreamers
Tamed and free
And loyal and lost
‘Til utter infinity
by @robyneggs


No. 6 Love is Lost

Love is lost
To the void beyond
Created greater
In hopes
Becomes you
Us broken into
The tiniest pieces
I think
Or maybe…happy
Love is found
When two people
Have grown enough
And it doesn’t
Matter how many were
There will be no one
by @robyneggs


No. 7 Climb Out

Fly away to what you consider
A place
As high as you think possible
Become whatever
You want
Fulfill self-imposed needs
Everyone in their
Walls as tall as they allow
To hold them
From what
Climb out
by @robyneggs


No. 8 Greater Love

Breathe your love into me
Alone and apart we are not
Together for the moment
And many moments
More than imagined and better
Between friends
We grow into each other
Creating a greater love
by @robyneggs


No. 9 Beautiful Night

I want to obtain
Absolutely pure ecstasy
For this I strain
Because it is serenity
Out of me it took a lot
All my trust
You is what I sought
So as not to turn to dust
And become distraught
By the moonlight
Your body came
Such a beautiful night
Though afterwards, pain
We played
Then we laid
And wouldn’t speak
by @robyneggs


No. 10 Another Blonde

A line is drawn
On the spot
Of lawn
Where we were caught
My head was sawn
So you sought
Another blonde
by @robyneggs


No. 11 Beautifully Lonely

Once upon a time
Inside his head
There lived a blind
Man upon a bed
The man would not
Get up for fear
He’d lose the spot
And shed a tear
Do not be afraid
He told the man
This place I made
I made with a plan
Touch the outside
As you pass
If you abide
You will last
Imagine what you please
For it’s not a crime
Now don’t you see?
You’re not blind
by @robyneggs


No. 12 Grace

As I skipped past
The creek
Then, at last
The sleek
Beams of light
Reached me
Now in sight
A canopy
Of sparkling rain
Covered the place
Where I remain
Full of His grace
by @robyneggs


No. 13 Why? Oh Why?

Why? Oh Why?
My butterfly
Must I cry?
Especially when the sky
Is so high
And why must I sigh
As I lie
In apple pie
I try
To rectify
But by and by
My lovely guy
I must buy
by @robyneggs


No. 14. Altogether Separate

Altogether the rain falls
From saddened clouds
Which run from the wind
An invisible force
And the lightning
Rids life and adds not
And why not
Altogether separate
by @robyneggs


No. 15 Falling

Stars are filled with room
Rooms are filled with stars
And they descend from ceilings
To surround you with their presence
Your starry eyes are glimmering
As you stare up at me
Falling into your arms
by @robyneggs


No. 16 Bubbles Burst

Bubbles burst on the surface
If I perchance misplace
What I am, we are
Together we lose and lift
To the surface
Shoes are to cushion
As we walk upon the upheld
Pearls, hearts, and stones
Whitened bones of
Old Mr. Jones
Can grow toward light
But reach the purpose
by @robyneggs


No. 17 Hooray

Without pain, they say
There is no gain
Let them say hooray
When they are in pain
Hardship builds character
So they say
Let them live off crackers
And see if they say hooray
If money doesn’t grow on trees
Then why are they so rich
While we’re covered in fleas
Digging in a ditch
And yet they expect us to say
by @robyneggs


No. 18 Lover

When the cold rips through my spine
As I lay thwarted by winter
You are the summer falling over me
I am caressed by your breezes
Your outstretched rays warm my back
When I am floating far away into the sky
Dangerously high and blown about
You pull on my string and bring
Me back down to where you are
Safely wrapped around your hand
When my broke pieces lie strewn
Among seven years’ bad luck
You are the lucky rabbit’s foot
Soft against my chest
Keeping me from harm
by @robyneggs


No. 19 Another Day

The water pours over my
Dimpled cheeks
And the blue sky
Hasn’t any leaks
As I bathe in the lake
My life is washed away
I erased my mistake
So I’ll stay another day
by @robyneggs


No. 20 Life

What becomes me in the dark
And the wind howls outside
The broken window frame
Light sheds through the crack
Soon the hollow tree beyond
And I crouch down against
The agony of the walls
Closing in on me and from above
As the ceiling drops the lightning
And the river overflows
While the clouds cry out
All their sorrows from the
Sight of many deaths
Against the blackish purple
Of my surroundings
I can see the one thing
Which totally consumes me
by @robyneggs


No 21. Who?

For whose help do I cry out to now?
My own
That I might help myself in crying
That I might rise above the former me
And know the newer I
For lack of love to whom do I cling?
God Himself
That He may comfort me and fill me
And put into existence
Love in my heart
For companionship who is there?
My lover
That he and I are together
With great love and caring
Put into me are these
by @robyneggs


No 22. Fresh Start

Re-enact my positivism
Unscrew my negativity
Prepare this reality
For my unique specialty
Open my heart
I’m ready for a fresh start
Let hope spring
Let freedom ring
My voice wants to give song
My guidance gives up wrong
I will go among
Release what once hung
Above all my evil
My love upheaval
Unbury light
Give my eyes sight
Do what’s right
With all my might
by @robyneggs


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