Poetry Dice Survives! Winner + Challenge #6 [UNLEASHED]

If you couldn't tell by your wallet, @girlbeforemirror, you are the winner of the Poetry Dice Challenge #5!!! :-O

You blow my mind...!

10 day ago I posted Poetry Dice #5 and @girlbeforemirror, you nailed it! Your post Folie a deux was simple, elegant, and as always, stirring!! I liked it a lot -especially because it was strange! :-O

I just love your art and style, what can I say!?!?!? And help me out (anybody who wants to guest judge or co-judge) because it is very difficult to choose a winner sometimes! Every entry for last week was MOST EXCELLENT! :-)

I experienced some strife and was unable to post the next challenge on time for last Thursday. #SHITHAPPENS!! :-O

So thank you for being patient and understanding!! I am sure we all have our problems. Mine was emotionally draining and took some time to recover from. But, anywho...(I don't wanna talk about it :-( - it's poopy.)

Let's celebrate the next challenge instead!! :-D


I needed to include my hand rolling on this round - it's more authentic that way

2nd Place for Poetry Dice Challenge #5 goes to @sazbird

You entry Phone Home was immediately grown onto me. It is now a part of me. :-) I was greatly entertained by E.T. - Your art is nifty and E.T. it is one of my favorite childhood movies. Very existential, leaving the reader cliff-hung and agape...Thank you so very much for you efforts. Again, it was difficult to pick a winner from last week's entries!! :-O


The way the dice landed...

3rd Place for Poetry Dice Challenge #5 goes to @writingamigo

Sun Beams blew my mind! :-O Yes I am prepared to hunt and kill, I mean live in a tent again... ;-) What's society for anyways? Can't we just go back to eating, sleeping, and procreating already???????? Like, really!!! What more do we need? We have developed a higher upon higher archy of bullshit just to rate each other against one another like hyped up animals :-O though less cuddly in our naked skin.... :-/ (can we have emoticons now please Steemit?) XO Congrats and thanks for your entry and appropriate photo for last week's entry :-)

Congrats again to @girlbeforemirror for her stirring 110% ;-)

I hope you will all join me for the next round of POETRY DICE - to the head!!! :-O


Images of the dice for POETRY DICE CHALLENGE #6, the final makeup!

Sample Poem:

Weeds crash upon the shore
Questions linger
A faceless man do I wish to see
But the hand waves, "no more"
To the left or to the right?
I ask myself, magic in my fingers
But is the timing ripe?
Like a poisoned apple,
It towers over me...



Find them HERE. Dice must be read from left to right, top to bottom. One image (one die face) per line of poetry.

YES!!!! This week's contest is back up to 25 STEEM!!! 2nd & 3rd get 10 & 5 STEEM and anyone who enters will get an honorable mention!! :D Please do your best to resteem and link-back to this post so that more and more people can find and participate in the contest!!

If you resteem this post, type "resteemed" in the comments below and I will award you 1 STEEM! (not steem power or steem dollars, just the most awesome of all: liquid steem!) :-)



@everlove #artcollaboration by @robyneggs

SNEAK PEEK at my next CITY_NIGHT_LIGHTS post! :-)


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