Ode to an iPhone - It's the end of the road for my first true love

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This poem was written out of respect for my iPhone 4 which has served me so well and for such a long time!

I could not let it go without first sharing my love and appreciation here on Steemit, this time in the form of a heart-felt poem.

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You came to me as good as free, delivered to my door.
‘Fell off the back of a lorry mate’, yet boxed still from the store.
I jumped at the chance! It was love at first glance.
Your origin a mystery. Your old life just history.
In truth it was frankly quite plain to see, your functions were all that mattered to me.

‘My precious’ I whispered into your ear.
Live access to EVERYTHING was finally here!
Hours upon end I held your glass, softly against my skin.
Hours upon end I caressed your power, connected to the world within.

You showed me apps beyond my dreams to while away the days…
Angry Birds were the first to catch me in the micro-gaming craze!

You came to me at the perfect time when plans of travel were growing,
And for many long years you gave me maps to show me where I was going.

A pocket sized camera with 16G drive,
Hours of music to keep me alive!

An alarm clock to wake me,
Vibrations to shake me!

A dictaphone, calculator,
reminders and more…

This phone was really
a computer at core.

You saved my life by showing me mushrooms
I definitely shouldn’t be eating,

And this is the one of the main reasons now
I speak the words I am speaking.

Eternally grateful I will always remain, but goodbyes are so hard without sadness & pain!

Now that you have been destroyed by my child, it is time to release you out to the wild.

Please don’t take it personally but a new lover I have now.

Her name is Android and she is better somehow...

For one thing the blockchain is visible to see, with wallets & Steemit available to me.

At all times my partner will stay at my side and my excitement is almost impossible to hide!

But forever dear iPhone you will remain to be the one which showed me this technology.

The phone which taught me to never to say never deserves a place on the blockchain forever.


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