One Man Show - An Original Poem

The clouds roll in on another gloomy Winter’s day.
The calendar might change but the entertainment stays the same.
I’m starring in my very own off off off off Broadway play.
I’m the Director and the audience, and the stagehand and the actor up on the stage.

The curtain pulls back and I launch right into my spiel.
It’s not a hard role to play when the characters all feel so real.
The audience sits passively, a constant witness to my deception.
Subjected to this Shakespearean tragedy since its inception.

At the end of the show I am crucified with lukewarm applause.
I’m just going through the motions, a man without purpose or cause.
The Director stands stage right knowing full well he’s been defeated.
The performance is always the same no matter how often repeated.

The audience slowly makes their way out into the street.
I stand alone on stage, my face looks as white as a sheet.
Same time tomorrow, the same play you’ve seen 1000 times before.
You can get in for free, just show your scars at the door.

I am Scott. I love writing poetry and song lyrics and sometimes I write about life. Please upvote and follow. I always follow back. :)

Thanks to Pixabay for the images.

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