New Age Rap on the Off-beat Track


A rap I wrote about taking the road less travelled.

Just having fun making words rhyme.

Original artwork with pens and water colour.

Yo. Uh. One, two and three.
So here I be,
floating free,
Walking down the street,
barefeet. I'm at peace,
skipping underneath the trees.

Just a trippy hippie,
with an aim to say,
Life's game we play,
is made in a way,
that leads us astray.

A lil rebel's resolution,
to start a revolution,
Revels in solutions,
that are lost in confusion,
By the people who deny,
there are other ways to try,
Navigating this life,
as we're walking on by.

Yet, countless enemies,
are endlessly telling me,
That the life that I'm living
ain't what it's supposed to be.

But, I'm giving all I've got
to have a shot
at living free from the greed of society.
Modern tyranny,
has hardened our hearts,
to the paths,
that babylon started,
Faith departed.
Can we get outta this darkness?

Yes, I'm sure, there's a cure.
This bitter haze will give way
to better days to come.
Feeling the peace. Feeling the love.
Reaching above, to the stars,
as my mind wanders far,
away from the mundane.
Light that flame in your brain,
Till they call you insane.

Can you feel what I'm saying?

Cause, where do we go when we die?
Hells below, or heavens high?
Or are they just constructs within our minds,
Stretching beyond the reach of time?

To grasp the meaning of infinity,
The world stretches out of and into me,
So what we perceive as lunacy,
Might be people who truly see,
Beyond the confines of this reality.

I guess I've had this,
Creeping up to claim me,
Speaking now plainly,
Nirvana's other side,
is in the madness that resides,
in our hearts and our minds,
and the meanings that we find,
Drifting in and out of time.

Stick true to the values,
that you find within you.
then you can begin to,
Ascend to new heights,
Find the right tribe,
Living life bright,
As you find your ikigai.



Shining On: An Original Poem


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