Poetry contest - The Writing Feather 1st edition

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Hello dear steemians,

In a couple of days I'll be marking one year on Steemit. And with this occasion I've decided to try hy hand in organizing a poetry contest. Most of my content on Steemit is made of poems. I love to write poetry and I've noticed that there are a lot of people that are writing posting nice poems as well. So why not trying to make a little bit of contest between those rhymes?

I wanted to give a name to the contest as well, to make it a little bit more proper, instead of just having a regular contest. And the name it will be The Writing Feather. I've decided on this name, because the feather was THE writing tool for centuries and it has a nice sounding touch as well.

Without further ado here are the rules of this contest.

  1. Theme of the poem: LOVE

I've been writing love poems my whole life, so it would be easier to make a decision when choosing the winner

2)Use the hashtag #writingfeather for your entries in the contest.

3)The deadline for submissions: 6th of October(next Friday).
This way I will have the Saturday to read through all the submissions and make a decision. The winner will be announced the Sunday. Also please keep in mind that I'm from Romania and I have an UTC+2 time zone.

Prize:the winning poem will receive a 10 SBD reward. Since it's the first edition I will select only one winner. If there are a lot of good poems, maybe I will add some extra mentions.

The judging will be made by me for this edition.

If this experiment goes well, maybe I will approach more people to add to the judge pannel for next editions, and maybe the prize pool will increase as well. You never know.

That being said, I wish you all a creative week and I hope to see many nice poems joining the contest.

Don't forget to use #writingfeather for joining.

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