Routine Life

The following is an original poem I wrote today while working on my side project.

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Routine Life

Congratulations on a routine life well lived.
You did everything that was expected,
Now here is what you get.

You paid all your debt faithfully,
And as a reward?
We will lend you more.

Congratulations on a routine life well lived.
You could have been something amazing, kid.
But you didn’t let your dreams stand in your way,
As you pushed them aside for the routine everyday.

Now at the end, what do you have to show?
You can’t take it with you when you go.
So once more, congratulations on a routine life well lived.
Way to stick it to the man by becoming him, kid.

Routine Life Original Copy

Routine Life Poem.jpg

Stay tuned.
Stay interesting.
Stay Strange.


Created by Michael Paine

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