You are my world (entry for Collaborative Art Journey 21 " L I F E S T A N D S S T I L L ")


You are my world my peaceful place
My magical moments in time and space
Because of you my life full of laughter
All started fresh and new right after
We met summers ago
And we are still in this wonderful flow
Of love, friendship and happiness
And have to confess
It feels like a dream, so sweet and light
For each other we are just right

This is a poem for my sweetheart. We have been happily in love for over two years which feel like two weeks. Thank you @everlove for the inspiration. Your picture reminded me of a globe like just needed to alter it with an app.

To everyone who reads this. I will write a lovepoem for you if you give me some info. I whish for everyone to be as happy as me.

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