My Prince


My Prince

Fairy Tales are nothing but absolute deceptions
It’s just a sarcastic way to trick our emotions
It’s merely a made-up story for kids
But for me, it’s nothing but deceit

I somehow wonder if people would agree
Or they’ll only see a “kill-joy” or “bitter” me
But this is a genuine thought, I may say
False hopes only makes us melancholic and astray

But one night, came something unforeseen
I ate my words, t’is all it has been
Someone arrived and opened my eyes
That fairy tales aren’t at all big lies


--> This is a poem I wrote in the past when I met someone online who somehow made my heart beat faster than normal, but unfortunately it didn't work out. All that's left are the memories and this poem which proved that once in my life, I experienced my own fairy tale.

--> I drew the picture above. It's an anime version of the person who I used to call, "My Prince".

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