All Alone (Double Tanka, Written in Support of @TARC)


My Rainbow stories are meant to raise awareness regarding animal abuse and abandonment.

A big thank you goes to @damianjayclay for helping me edit and revise these poems. They are a set of two tanka. Tanka are a Japanese poetry form with a fixed syllable count. Originally, the syllable count is set at 5-7-5-7-7. However, I've learned a lot about Japanese poetry from both @damianjayclay and my friend @dbooster.

Among the things I've learned, is that the structure of Japanese is so different from English that it's not very natural to force an English poem into a Japanese syllable structure. What's more, is that English Syllables are much longer than Japanese, so when we adhere to the original syllable count, we're making our poems too long.

@dbooster advised me to try a lower syllable count, 3-5-3-5-5. While I at first expected it to be harder since I now have less space in which to pour my ideas and images, the exact opposite was true. It flows much more easily and naturally with this adapted structure. Anyway. Enough talk. I hope you enjoyed my poem.

Thank you all for reading and for your continued support.



If you would like to read more of my work, feel free to have a look around on my off-Steem blog page by clicking the banner. My library there contains all of the pieces I’ve written since starting my blockchain adventure.

The STEEM Engine

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