My Entry For Steemit Slam Contest Week One!....... 'Somehow, Some Way!'.......... A Short Poem!

This is my entry for week one of Steemit Slam organised by @poetrytrail!

I wrote this about 20 years ago now and I'm glad to say that I'm not feeling the same way I was when it was originally written. :)

The theme for the first week of this great contest is 'Leaving'.

Here is my entry...

Somehow, some way!

Six billion people,
Yet I'm so alone.
I've got friends and I've got family
But none of them know.

That inside I am dying.
I don't feel alive!
I don't know how to deal with
The pain inside.

A big empty hole
That can never be filled.
Questions unanswered,
I'm confused and I'm scared!

I wish I could leave!
I wish that I could be free.
I wish I was someone,
Anyone but me.

But it's alright,
Yes , it's OK.
Because I'm going to get through this,
Somehow, some way!


OK, so I know that probably wasn't the cheeriest poem you ever read but as I said, I no longer feel the way I did when it was written so I don't mind sharing it with whoever wants to read it. If it has made you feel sad though, here's a picture of me and my beautiful wee baby girl, Leah! :)

Argyll and Bute-20130809-00178 (1).jpg

If you haven't entered the contest already I suggest you click on the link below and give it a go yourself or if not, at least take the time to support some of the entries! The winner is based on the number of votes received so every vote counts!


Have An Excellent Day!!

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