He stands aloof and standoffish,
Beauty beheld and gorgeousness upheld,
Dark and plum,
Lithe and suave,
He is the emblem of inexorable suavity,
Touch not the handsome and beautified,
Udezee in emblematicization.
On this day, 7th February,
In some commodious expanse in the south west,
A damsel of angelic characteristics,
Was heralded and heralded,
Into the twirling convolutions of the voltairean universe.
His smile makes us all dream,
Forget biology, what we have for him is chemistry ,
Ionic bonds of inimitable strength,
He is Udezee futuregenesis,
A perfect paradigm of our daily men,
You can dream woman,
Because its your birthday,
Much love.
I hope you guys enjoy this, since it's been a while I wrote a postπ―β