Steemit Slam #1 - Poem Entry: Leaving Childhood



Leaving Childhood

Delight, in purest form on a child's face,

The innocence of youth that you can't replace.

The timeless moments of youth and infancy,

Savored, passing away blissfully.

Adolescence, the pain of coming maturity, 

The often felt loneliness and the insecurity,

At the time, seems endless and daunting,

So much you can't see and you're left wanting.

But, with the guidance of peers and mentors,

The strength is found to reach the coming shores.

Parents, siblings, teachers and those we love,

Can help us to conquer and achieve all we dreamed of. 

Goodbye, childhood, I am leaving you now.

Although, I know you'll always be part of me somehow.

As I enter this new realm of age and responsibility, 

I'll never forget how much you meant to me.

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