[Original Poem] Clouds of September


I’m falling in love
With the clouds of September
All shapes, sizes, and shades of gray
They float together in magnificent splendour
From the purest white
Bubbling up high
Shining strong against the late summer sky -
Ripe with blue to bursting...

And through the hues
Down to the base,
Shadowy violet or stone slate
The edges glow and radiate
The spirit of a season just past its peak,
In all its ever-glory.

Some fluffy like cotton candy
Some like icing on cake -
Smeared smooth like the first scrapes…
Or the hints of whisp that make me reminisce
Back to the mist-enchanted mornings
from dreams since faded
or days once forgotten.

The contrast forms lines so clear,
Drawn by the hands of god-children
As they practice their stokes of creation.
Maybe a new world is upon us
These layers of magnificence
Harbingers of a new day...
For I’ve never seen clouds quite like these,
Not that I recall, none so beautiful
As those of this September.


Thanks to @geke and @sunravelme for editing suggestions in the poetry-workshop @ The Writer's Block

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