Pearlescent Poems # 17: Judah's Lion (Original Poem)

King of kings, pure love He brings, He oversees all of life's happenings
A calming aurora, but blue flowing aura, He counters the things that cause saddening
Each moment He glows, time zones He can slow, a universal jungle's His sight

All knowing and gracious, His heart is so spacious, it radiates the whitest of lights

Some think He's not there, or that He won't care, but a protector and saviour, He's clear
The wisest of packs, a leader at back, so none left behind from the rear

The elders in front, in middle the runts, lionesses spread out yet are near
Call upon Him, by thought or a whim, He's listening keenly with ears

When you are off balance, or facing a challenge, He's there pushing you back on track

Forgiveness of faults, won't force you to halt, so lenient with much given slack
At times when your slumped, preyed on and are jumped, your doubts will win over your faith

When death is near face, He'll rush and take place, and let you escape so you're safe

He cares about you, wants the best all for you, and has already put evil to waste
His adversary may rule, this earth more than cruel, but trust that you are in His grace

Colossal Lion or not, he'll lose when they've fought, then we'll praise Him with love, Judah's Lion
Stay true to His will, or lest you yourself kill, and suffer much worse than Judas lying

Thank you very much for reading this poem in its entirety. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I had fun writing it. This is a continuation of the Pearlescent Poem # 16: Colossal Lion <--- Click here If you missed it. For deeper understanding of this poem you can reference the KJV Bible New Testament 1 Peter 5:8 and New Testament Revelations 5:5 in that order in correlation with the poem's theme.

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